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Dixon Sookraj
Associate Professor
Social Work
Phone: 250-807-8703Email: dixon.sookraj@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Participatory research to promote health and wellbeing
Policies and processes of social service delivery systems in responding to the needs and aspirations of marginalized groups, including Indigenous Peoples.
Courses & Teaching
Social Work Theory and Practice, Organizational Practice, Community Practice, Child and Family Welfare Policy, Research and International Social Work.
I completed my doctoral studies in Social Work at the State University. My primary studies were in the areas of organizational, community and policy levels of practice. In 2005, I joined the School of Social Work at UBC (Okanagan) as an Associate Professor. My areas of teaching included research methods, research-informed practice, practice with diverse populations, community organization, child welfare social policy, and international social work. My research and conference presentations covered topics, including challenges in health and social service delivery to marginalized populations, Aboriginal child welfare, Aboriginal health education and international social work. In recent years, I served on the Boards of organizations addressing issues of homelessness and social work education. In June 2015, I assumed the role of President of the Canadian Association for Social Work education (CASWE-ACFTS). I also represent the Association on the Board of the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW). I look forward to the challenges of sharing the leadership role in our national association and contributing to the future direction of social work education at home and abroad.
BSc. (Psychology/Statistics)
Post-degree Diploma (Criminology)
MSSW. (Social Work)
PhD. Social Work, Ohio State University)
Selected Publications & Presentations
Sookraj, D., Meterri, A., & Heinonen, T. (2016). The IASSW statement on social work research. Social Dialogue, 13 (4), pp. 35-38.
Sookraj, D. Wilkins, W., Carpenter, M., Talon, P., Cassie, M., Anastas, J, & Dominelli, L. (2014). Global agenda for social work and social development: North American Region. International Social Work, 57(4) (Suppl.), 45-49.
Sookraj, D., Hutchinson, P., Evans, M., Murphy, M. A. (2012). Aboriginal organizational response to the need for culturally appropriate services in Canadian Cities. Journal of Social Work, 12(2), pp. 136-257
Aguiar, L. M., McKinnon, A., & Sookraj, D. (2010/2011). Repertoires of Racism: Reactions to Jamaicans in the Okanagan Valley. BC Studies, (168), 65-79.
Klein, S., Pulkingham, J., With S. Parusel, K. Plancke, J. Smith, D. Sookraj, T. Vu, B. Wallace & J. Worton. (2008). Living on welfare in British Columbia: Experiences of longer term “expected to work” recipients. Vancouver, BC: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
1. Sookraj, D. (2016). Regional research activities: North American and Caribbean Association of Schools of Social Work, Social Dialogue, 13 (4), pp. 42- 43.
2. De Chenu, L., & Littlechild, B. (2016). Social Work and global resources, Social Dialogue, 13 (4), pp. 38- 41. Contributed section: Challenges and opportunities to conducting social work research in the North American and Caribbean Region. (pp. 39-40).
3. IASSW/IFSW. (2014). Global Definition of Social Work .(Global Definition Committee, Member
4. IASSW/IFSW/ICSW. (2012). Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development: Commitments to Action (Global Agenda Committee, Member)
Sookraj, D. Wilkins, W., Carpenter, M., Talon, P., Cassie, M., Anastas, J, & Dominelli, L. (2014). Global agenda for social work and social development: North American Region. International Social Work, 57(4) (Suppl.), 45-49.
International Association of Schools of Social Work & International Federation of Social Workers (2014). New global definition of Social Work (Contributor). Retrieved from http://www.iassw-aiets.org/uploads/file/20140303_IASSW%20Website-SW%20DEFINITION%20approved%20IASSW%20Board%2021%20Jan%202014.pdf
Sookraj, D., Hutchinson, P., Evans, M., Murphy, M. A. (2012). Aboriginal organizational response to the need for culturally appropriate services in Canadian Cities. Journal of Social Work, 12(2), pp. 136-257
Kurtz, D.L., Nyberg, J., Van Den Tillaart, S., Mills, B., & Okanagan Urban Aboriginal Health Research Collective. (2008). Silencing of voice: An act of structural violence. Urban Aboriginal women speak out about their experiences with health care. Journal of Aboriginal Health (4)1, 53-63.
Evans, M., Hole, R., Berg, L., Hutchinson, P., Sookraj, D., & the Okanagan Urban Aboriginal Research Health Collective (2008). Common Insights, Differing Methodologies: Towards a Fusion of Indigenous Methodologies, Participatory Action Research, and White Studies in an Urban Aboriginal Research Agenda” Qualitative Inquiry, 15(5), 890-910.
Berg, L., Evans, M., Fuller, D. and the Okanagan Urban Aboriginal Health Research Collective (2007). “Ethics, Hegemonic Whiteness, and the Contested Imagination of ‘Aboriginal Community’ in Social Science Research in Canada” ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies at http:/www.acme-journal.org, 6(3): 395-410.
Kurtz, Donna, Jessie Nyberg, Susan Van Den Tillart, Buffy Mills, and the Okanagan Urban Aboriginal Health Research Collective (2007). Silencing of Voice: An Act of Violence. Urban Aboriginal Women Speak Out About Their Experiences with Health Care. Journal of Aboriginal Health 4(1): 53-63.
Murphy, M.A., Battison, J., & Sookraj, D. (2002). How could personal faith influence our practice? Our clients have the right to their own beliefs and spiritual paths. Perspectives, (Fall 2002, p. 24).
Sookraj, D. (2005). Economic, institutional, political and social factors related to service delivery to under served clients by non-profit outpatient abuse treatment agencies. Dissertation Abstracts International. (Summer 1995).